Andap Tech

Welcome to Andap Tech's Website!

What I'm About

Hello My name is Reston Goethals. I am the Owner of Andap Tech. I am a coder and twitch streamer and soon to be youtuber that has been coding for 7 years. This is a website built to showcase some of my projects and twitch stuff like recomendations on set ups and my own streams. This website was made so that I can put my self out there in the coding and gaming world and to even get customers.

This is were I showcase my projects

Portfolio documentation page product landing page survey tribute

more coming soon theese are just some projects i have done in the past

This is my information to contact me

ProtonMail Gmail GitHub Twitch


my Streams

I like to stream on twitch and if your on this website your most likely from twitch. On twitch I like to stream just about anything oneday ill be Streaming playing minecraft and fighting the enderdragon to doing a stream on coding. (I do mainly focus on gaming though) When I stream I like to be positive and if thats not for you then I dont think you will enjoy my streams.

Geting started

Now I recently started streaming because I have wanted to do it for a while I have just been waiting on equipment. Now greenscreens,cameras,streamdecks and crazy computers are very nice and extreamly help ful but you dont need them to start out you could stream of a microsoft thinkpad from 2000s and still be fine. If you have been stream for a little bit and you want to now what stuff you should get or work on you should mabye use some money from streaming and invest it back into it by mabye getting transitions and buying a good one or paying some one to make donation graphics and other personalizeable things on your stream just to seperate your self from the crowd and make it more like you. The basic themes that twitch has aready made are great and are awsome but in my opinion your better of making your own.


good starter videos to watch.